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Staff List
Nawaz Ahmed (B. Sc, Health Studies, U. of Waterloo)
Paige Allerton (Drama & Anthropology, U. of Toronto)
Christina Baird (B. A., English & Sociology, McMaster U.)
Jameel Baker (York U.)
Sarah Barrett-Ives (B. Music, Dalhousie U.,; M. Music, U. of Western Ontario)
Marcus Bernacci (Acting, York U. & George Brown College)
Kristi Blanken (Religious Studies, English, Theatre & Film, McMaster U.)
Matthew Boccia (B. A., History, McMaster U.; Theatre & Film, McMaster U.)
Stephanie Bolton (History, Art History & English, U. of Toronto)
Benjamin Camenzuli (Musical Theatre, Oklahoma City U.)
Christina Caravaggio (Mathematics & Education, York U.)
Julia Carrer (Music Theatre Performance, St. Clair College)
Rachele Casasanta (B. A., English, Italian & Political Science, U. of Toronto; Education, U. of Windsor)
Michael Chantaj (Diploma, Media, Sheridan College; Arts, Ryerson U.)
Michele Charlton (Drama, Queen's U.)
Christine Clark (Journalism, U. of Western Ontario)
Alex Clay (History & Theatre, U. of Guelph)
Trevor Curran (Musical Theatre Performance, Sheridan College)
Danielle Dickinson (Diploma, Theatre Performance, Fanshawe College; French & Italian, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Martin Domagala (B. A., English & Communication, York U.; B. Ed., U. of Western Ontario)
Monica Faltenhine (Musical Theatre, U. of Winnipeg)
Jennifer Gillingham (B. A., Psychology, Trent U.; B. Ed., Trent U.)
Jennifer Gregory (B. A., French & Theatre, U. of Guelph, B. Ed.)
Melissa Haines (B. A., Early Childhood Education, Ryerson U.; B. Ed., U. of Ottawa)
Kevin Hatch (Film Studies & Cultural Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Steven Humphries (Political Science, Queen's U.)
Roslynn Jamani (B. A., Psychology, U. of Windsor; B. A., Drama in Education, U. of Windsor; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Stephanie Jennings (B. A., English & History, Nipissing U.; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Jeff Jocham (Theatre Production & Design, York U.)
Michael Khan (B. A., Theatre, U. of Guelph)
Frangess Kohi (B. Sc., Psychology & Drama, U. of Toronto; M. Ed., U. of Toronto; Drama Therapy, Concordia U.)
Scott Law (B. A., Theatre, York U.)
Noelle Leombruni (B. A., U. of Guelph)
Michael Lewis (B. A., English, History & Philosophy, U. of Guelph; B. Ed., Sunshine Coast U.)
Landon Lewis (English & Sociology, Athabasca U.)
Stephanie Lieske (B. A., Theatre & Film, McMaster U.; Television & Film, Sheridan College; B. Ed., U. of Windsor)
Paige Locke (Fine Arts, Ontario College of Art & Design; Musical Theatre Performance, St. Clair College)
Misty Mapplebeck
Ally Martineau (B. A., History, Trent U.; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Julie Michaud (Drama & History, Queen's U.)
Jacqueline Miller (Education & French, Laurentian U.)
Isaac Mule (Drama, U. of Waterloo; Child & Youth Work, Sheridan College)
Gayle Nairn (B. Fine Arts, Music, U. of Ottawa; B. Ed., Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Alison Neale (B. Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Diploma, Musical Theatre Performance, Sheridan College)
Belsky Ng (B. A., Early Childhood Education, Ryerson U.; Occupational Therapy, U. of Western Ontario)
Mark Nuttall (Water Resource Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Julia Parkin (B. A., Drama & English, Queen's U.; B. Ed., Drama & English, OISE)
Zamara Pascoe (Psychology, Ryerson U.)
Victoria Poon
Abby Prebble (Diploma, Dance, George Brown College; Public Relations, Humber College)
Geoffrey Roome (B. A., Theatre & English, Redeemer U.)
Anthony Russell (Arts & Sciences, Humber College)
Leanne Ryan (English & Geography, U. of Guelph)
Marcus Schwan (Drama, Brock U.)
Shawna Small (B. Sc., Life Sciences, McMaster U.)
Robert (Ian) Smith (Mathematical Physics, U. of Waterloo)
Meagan Speirs (B. A., U. of Toronto; B. Ed. (Drama & English), U. of Toronto / OISE)
Sara Subity (B. A. / B. Ed., Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor)
Christopher Tanaka-Mann (English & Contemporary Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Laura Thompson (Early Childhood Education, Sheridan College; B. Ed., Griffith U.)
Alexandra Tzimas (Arts & Education, Queen's U.)
Whitney Wakefield (B. Fine Arts, Performance Production, Ryerson U.)
Kevin Wilson (B. A., English, Wilfrid Laurier U.; B. Ed., U. of Windsor)
Lianne Wood (B. A., Psychology, U. of Waterloo; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Jayda Woods (Stage Management, Sheridan College)
Volunteers List
Christine Somerville
Cassandra Chapman
Stephanie Hauser
Cleo Coppolino
Bronte Link-Newman
Erik Bajzert
Graham Robertson
Alexandria Schutte
Chancellor McGuigan
Janet Song
Emily Bryant
Alexandra Matas
Erin Callegari
Rae Kaufman
Lucy Hopkins