Great Big Theatre Company Day Camps Additional Weeks 20% Off

Summer 2025 Camps: Additional Weeks 20% Off

Love theatre camp ? We now have a multiple-weeks discount offer, which will allow your kids to attend MORE WEEKS of camp at discounts of 20% or more !

How it works: if you register for a week of camp, you can add a SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH week, etc. for that camper at 20 % off. The weeks selected at the regular registration rate as well as the weeks at 20 % off must ALL be selected from the list of camps shown below, on this page.

Here are the details:

Use our online registration facilities to register and pay. You will be charged at the rate (regular or discounted) in effect at the time. The discount for additional weeks will be calculated and applied automatically at checkout, provided you register for all sessions at the same time. That's all there is to it !

The discount is calculated based on the fee in effect at the time, even if this includes early registration discount; so in many cases your discount will be greater than 50 %. Example: full summer rate: $ 360.00; with December 31 early registration discount: $ 295.00: with 20% discount on this: $ 236.00. Actual discount if you register before December 31 is 34%.

Please note: ALL weeks (including the two at regular pricing and the additional at 20 % off) must be selected from the list of eligible weeks, as shown below. You can of course select additional weeks as well, from those not on the list; they will be charged at the regular rate in effect at the time, and will not be included in the calculation of the discount.

Please note that the number of eligible camp weeks will be reduced as summer registration progresses and camp weeks begin to fill up. The good news is that, initially, ALL summer weeks are eligible. As registration progresses, the choice of discounted weeks will be limited. So the best time to take advantage of this offer is early, to have the most complete choice of weeks.

There’s a different performance for every camp week … so why not attend four, five or six weeks this summer ?

Note: you can still take advantage of the discount on additional weeks, even if you do not register for all sessions at the same time. You can register and pay for two weeks (for example), and then decide later -- in the summer, say -- that you would really like one or two more weeks. Those weeks will be 20% off, so long as they are still included on the list below. However, the discount will not be calculated automatically by the online system. To get your discount, you can do any of the following: (1) pay for the weeks with your credit card, contact us, and we will refund the discount to your credit card; (2) Contact us by e-mail ( or phone (1 866 864 4282); we will supply a coupon code you can use when registering (3) Contact us by phone at 1 866 864 4282 with your credit card number, and we will process the registration for you at the discounted rate.

Please note: eligible weeks will be determined based on the list of weeks in effect at the time the additional week(s) are selected. The list of weeks eligible for the discount is subject to change without advance notice.

Extended hours are not included. March Break camps and camps registered for under the Low-Income option are not included as valid qualifying weeks.

Hope that’s all clear ! Let us know if you have questions. You can e-mail us at, call us (toll-free) at 1 866 864 4282, or message us on Facebook !

Here is the list of eligible camp weeks:

Tip: When registering online, use the search icon at the top of the screen or the "Filter By" column on the left to select the locations, weeks and camper age groups in which you are interested. The Location option shows programs alphabetically by city name. Note that programs within Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga, Vaughan and Cambridge will appear under those city names rather than under the regions within them (e. g. you will find North York under Toronto / North York, and Thornhill under Vaughan / Thornhill).

Tip: Programs are listed in order by start date. Those with the earliest dates appear first. To find those with later dates, you will need to skip to subsequent pages of the listing; or else use the options to "Filter" and select either Locations, Dates, Ages, etc.

Tip: In the center of the Session Selection screen, there is a "Session List" tab and a "Calendar" tab. Please note that if you select the Calendar tab, you will not see all available programs, since there are generally too many for all of them to be displayed on this screen. It is best to use the Session List tab.

2025 Schedules & Locations: Additional Weeks 20% Off

Click on the city names below to view programs for each location

St John's Anglican Church, 2464 Dundas St.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • August 5th - 8th
  • August 11th - 15th
  • August 18th - 22nd
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 161 Norfolk St.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 28th - August 1st
  • August 5th - 8th
Mountain: Emmanuel United Church, 871 Upper Ottawa St.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • July 28th - August 1st
  • August 5th - 8th
Stoney Creek: Wesley United Church, 651 Highway 8 (at Fruitland Rd.)
  • August 11th - 15th
Colborne St. United Church, 711 Colborne St.
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • August 5th - 8th
Erin Mills: Erin Mills United Church, 3010 The Collegeway
  • July 2nd - 5th
  • July 8th - 12th
  • July 15th - 19th
  • July 22nd - 26th
  • July 29th - August 2nd
  • August 6th - 9th
  • August 12th - 16th
Lorne Park: St. Stephen's-on-the-Hill United Church, 998 Indian Rd.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • July 28th - August 1st
  • August 5th - 8th
St. John's United Church, 262 Randall St.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • August 5th - 8th
Richmond Hill United Church, 10201 Yonge St.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • July 28th - August 1st
  • August 5th - 8th
North York: Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. (Yonge & Sheppard)
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • August 5th - 8th
  • August 11th - 15th
  • August 18th - 22nd
Emmanuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Rd. W.
  • July 7th - 11th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • July 28th - August 1st
Westminster United Church, 1850 Rossland Rd E.
  • July 14th - 18th
  • July 21st - 25th
  • July 28th - August 1st
  • August 5th - 8th
  • August 18th - 22nd