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Staff List
Josephine Bancheri (Arts, York U.)
Marcus Bernacci (Acting, York U. & George Brown College)
Kristi Blanken (Religious Studies, English, Theatre & Film, McMaster U.)
Stephanie Bolton (History, Art History & English, U. of Toronto)
Jacob Bonafiglia (Kinesiology, Queen's U.)
Michele Charlton (Drama, Queen's U.)
Cristen-Marie Crookes (B. A., Summit Pacific College / Trinity Western U.)
Shahi Cuffy
Kaitlyn Curry (B. A., English, Laurentian U.)
Joseph DiGiuseppe (Performance Production, Ryerson U. Theatre School)
Devon Doherty (B. A., Queen's U.)
Melissa Dutch (Arts, McMaster U.)
Ashley Earl (Diploma, Musical Theatre, St. Lawrence College)
Annie Eun (Sociology, Queen's U.)
Daniel Fishbayn (English-Cultural Studies / Communication Studies, McGill U.)
Travis Fuchs (Biology, McMaster U.)
Mark Harrigan (Dramatic Arts & Production, Brock U.)
Riley Harrison (Acting, Seneca College)
Mack Harshaw (Political Science, Queen's U.)
Kelsi Hopkins (Performing Arts, Sheridan College)
Danielle Jolley (B. A., Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor; B. Ed., Drama & English, Queen's U.)
Michael Khan (B. A., Theatre, U. of Guelph)
Cathleen King (Arts & Sciences, U. of Guelph)
Raiya Korol (Culture & Expression, York U.)
Landon Lewis (English & Sociology, Athabasca U.)
Stephanie Lieske (B. A., Theatre & Film, McMaster U.; Television & Film, Sheridan College; B. Ed., U. of Windsor)
Ally Martineau (B. A., History, Trent U.; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Kathleen Mcdonald (B. A., Language Teaching / History, U. of Ottawa)
Shannon McGonegal (B. A., Studio Art & History, U. of Guelph; B. Ed., Western U.)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Isaac Mule (Drama, U. of Waterloo; Child & Youth Work, Sheridan College)
Mark Nuttall (Water Resource Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Sean O'Brien (Acting, U. of Windsor)
Ellyn O'Keefe (B. A., Theatre, U. of Ottawa)
Zemara Pascoe (Psychology, Ryerson U.)
Julia Porter (B. A., Theatre & Sociology, U. of Guelph; Theatre Performance, Humber College)
Vanessa Racioppo (Social Work, York U.)
Samantha Ramsay (Anthropology / English / Education, Lakehead U.)
Mark Rodrigues (B. A. / B. Ed., Drama & English, Queen's U.)
Elizabeth Romero (B. A., English & Fine Arts, d'Youville College; M. Sc., Education, d'Youville College)
Geoffrey Roome (B. A., Theatre & English, Redeemer U.)
Nicole Schnurr (B. Sc., Biology, U. of Guelph; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Katie Stewart (Arts., U. of Waterloo)
Sara Subity (B. A. / B. Ed., Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor)
Christopher Tanaka-Mann (English & Contemporary Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Austin Van Lierop (B. A., Contemporary Studies & English, Wilfrid Laurier U.; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Kevin Wilson (B. A., English, Wilfrid Laurier U.; B. Ed., U. of Windsor)
Lianne Wood (B. A., Psychology, U. of Waterloo; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Volunteers List
Laura Jin
Cindi Maldonado
Matthew Portelli
Ellis Mathews
Lisa Palmer
Isabella Khader
Janet Song
Keenan Smits
Nigel Grolla
Erin Callegari
Sebastian Cruz
Alexandra Matas
Katherine Nocera
Bronte Link-Newman
Oliver Bolton
Rae Kaufman
Autymn Cooke
Danielle Carron
Danielle Labonte
Jessica Korosec
Emily Blake