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2015 Camp Staff, Co-Op Students & Volunteers
Our Summer 2015 Camp Staff
Staff List
Daniel Avila (Arts, Western U.)
Alicia Bisante (Dramatic Arts, Brock U.)
Monica Brewer (English & Cognitive Science, U. of Toronto)
Sebastian Cruz
Shahi Cuffy
Melissa Domingos (Theatre Studies & English, York U.)
Steven Dylag (B. A., York U.; B. A., Journalism, Ryerson U.; B Ed., U. of Western Ontario)
Heather Edwards (Education, Lakehead U.)
Daniel Fishbayn (English & Communications, McGill U.)
Payton Foden (French & Biology, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Jennifer Francis (Arts, U. of Toronto)
Renee Hackett (B. F. A., Theatre, Memorial U.)
Kelsi Hopkins (Performing Arts, Sheridan College)
Bianca Hossain (English & Political Science, U. of Toronto)
Laura Huang (Music, U. of Toronto)
Cain Humeniuk (Arts, McGill U.)
Shannyn Kelly
Michael Khan (B. A., Theatre, U. of Guelph)
Kathleen Laird (B. A., Child & Youth Studies, Brock U.; B. Ed., Brock U.)
Landon Lewis (English & Sociology, Athabasca U.)
Erick Lopez (Music Business, Durham College)
Kristen Luimes (B. A., Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Sarah Mersereau (B. F. A., Theatre Production & Design, York U.)
Olivia Maldonado (B. Music, McMaster U., B. Ed., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
Julie Michaud(Drama & History, Queen's U.)
Melinda Mohammed (Dramatic Arts, Brock U.)
Brandon Nicoletti (Acting, George Brown Theatre School)
Mark Nuttall (Water Resource Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Franco Pang (Theatre & Psychology, U. of Ottawa)
Julia Porter (B. A., Theatre & Sociology, U. of Guelph; Theatre Performance, Humber College)
Shaun Purves (Biblical Studies, Columbia Bible College; B. Ed., Thompson Rivers U.)
Vanessa Racioppo (Social Work, York U.)
Clarisse Reid (Fine Arts / Acting, U. of Windsor)
Juliana Roman (Fine Arts / Dance Performance, York U.)
Jessica Thom (Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor)
Rosalie Usenica (B. A., Theatre & Film, McMaster U.; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Kevin Wilson (B. A., English, Wilfrid Laurier U.; B. Ed., U. of Windsor)
Marissa Wilson (M. Music, U. of Western Ontario; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Volunteers, Co-operative Students & Supply Staff
Tiana Stanley-Grier
Elektra Prepos
Callum Pfohl
Paola Rodrillo
Cindy Canete
Stephanie Gusain
Jullene Garcia
Sarah McLay
Carole Palattao
Jane Li
Meghan Teague
Michael Francisco
Stephanie Rice
Braydon Hunter
Danielle Wells
Emma Adamson
Ashley Small
Jaspreet Birring
Suzanne Boychuck
Nicole Colozza
Christian Gallardo
Ethan Conner
Tanya Handa
Kelly Kong
Rachael Ireland
Andrea Jasko
Raquel Melanson
Krista Milliste
Saad Naveed
Saralynn Oates
Grace Okusanya
Jamie Salloum
Shawna Rafacz
Siddhant Sawant
David Lu
Breanna Nkiwane
Yogmaya Singh
Ryan Sivanathan
Rachael Symon
Ahkash Kathirgaman
Anique Singh
Erin Wang
Ziyu Wang
George Zakharov
Xiaohan Yu
Caroline Kim
Tiffany Yeh
Catherine Yeh
Elite Xia
Mikal Hummel
Mei Lein Harrison
Arantxa Perez
Lalaine Siy
Tristan Greenhough
Fatima Sheikh
Vishvaraj Chokshi
Mohammed Natheir
Sullivan Nash
Katie Douglas
Emily Nicholson
Kori Armstrong
Natalie Smith
Jared Canning
Robyn Northrup
Emily Cunningham
Chantal Saab
Beverly Jose
Khacy Colewan
Maddie Samuel
Julia Nassereddine
Claudia Matas
Favour Adesina
Vicky Chen
David Cruz
Ifrah Hunaid
Nick Jiang
Sophia Man
Hannah Ou
Bryce Poe
Fraaz Sheikh
Turner Silverthorne
Janani Subramanian
Josh Trigiani
Roger Vilan
Jenny Wu
Ken Li
Grace Gao