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Staff List
Abdalrahim Abed (Kinesiology, U. of Waterloo)
Jillian Adamson (B. A., Arts & Contemporary Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Emeka Agada (B. A., Theatre Studies, York U.)
Devin Barnes (Philosophy & Dramatic Literature, U. of Western Ontario; Theatre Arts, Fanshawe College)
Sydney Beason (Theatre Arts, Fanshawe College)
Marcus Bernacci (B. F. A., York U.)
Roheen Bhatti (Geography & Theatre and Film Studies, McMaster U.)
Hannah Carlson (Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Samantha Chasty (Theatre & History, U. of Guelph)
Emily Chia (Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor)
Shahi Cuffy
Kayla Deosaran (Anthropology & Gerontology, McMaster U.)
Samantha Deveau (Child Development, Brock U.; Early Childhood Education, Mohawk College)
Daniel Fishbayn (English & Communications, McGill U.)
Justine Fraser (Broadcast Journalism, Conestoga College; Music History, Fanshawe College)
Carmen Gillespie
Samantha Hacking (Theatre & Education, York U.)
Cal Hagarty (English, U. of Western Ontario)
Mack Harshaw (Political Science, Queen's U.)
Bianca Hossain (English & Political Science, U. of Toronto)
Kerri Hunter (B. A., Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier U.; B. Ed., Lakehead U.)
Akehil Johnson (Arts, U. of Ottawa)
Bernadette Kahnert (B. A. / B. Ed., Drama and English, Brock U.)
Michael Khan (B. A., Theatre, U. of Guelph)
Iqra Khandid (Education, York U.)
Nicolette Knight (B. A., Philosophy & English, Trent U.)
Bennett Langs
Landon Lewis (English & Sociology, Athabasca U.)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Cassandra Moerman (Drama, Brock U., Business, Conestoga College)
Tillie Morgan (Diploma in Theatre Technical Production, Sheridan College)
Mark Nuttall (Water Resource Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Allanah Spurrell (Children's Studies, Brock U.)
Thayanithi Srikanthan (Early Childhood Education, George Brown College)
Gabrielle Stadler (Mechanical Engineering, Queen's U.)
Marissa Wilson (M. Music, U. of Western Ontario; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Jessica Wood (Music Theatre Performance, St. Clair College)
Della Woodger (Arts, Carleton U.)
Mikhaila Wuerch (B. Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Music Education, McGill U.)
Volunteers, Co-operative Students & Supply Staff
Katie-Lynn Barr
Abby Wagner
Shadiana Fazal
Maryam Remtulla
Olivia Korosak
Meghan Delve
Mark Barnett
Sarah Ferrazzi
Kayla Hagerty
Kayla Kostrzewa
Sangeet Mutsuddi
Joshua Kelly
Casidhe Malcolm
Tom Webster
Robert Liu
Jenny Chen
Evanda Cheung
Cynthia Teng
Solenne Ford
Aireus Hoos
Nik Filippin
Gavin Sly
Tonya Shelby
Polina Pappas
Tanya Kulic
Brandon Kulic
Emma Annett
Reema Balouch
Tanisha Bates
Lauren Burkhardt
Arianna Chin
Rain Chladek
Edna Ding
Chloe Gelfand
Rachael Ireland
Gunhwan Kim
Vincent Lau
Gillian Liu
Mandy Lu
Cindy Lui
Liam MacFarlane
Bekure Mekbib
Melanie Mueller
Alexandra Rasmussen
Jessica Russo
Meilanie Sharpe-Berges
Rachael Symon
Morgan Veiga
Jenah Walters
Tristan Moore
Kelly Kong
Puja Lad
Shakailah Allison
Rachel Boyd
Kylie Proc
Rebecca Yu
Sri Kirthana Aila
Jamie Salloum
Sophie De Goey
Tyrone Kozminski-Magbitang
Grace Okusanya
Claudia Matas
Breanna Nkiwane