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2017 Camp Staff, Co-Op Students & Volunteers
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Staff List
Emeka Agada (B. A., Theatre Studies, York U.)
Nicole Amaral (B. A., English, U. of Waterloo; B. Ed.. York U.)
Adam Ammirato (English, Queens U.)
Rabab Azouz (B. A., Children, York U.; Education, U. of Toronto)
Audrey Barta (Neuroscience, U. of Guelph)
Will Bartley (B. A., York U.)
Amanda Bergstrom (Chemical Engineering, Seneca College)
Pahlav Bharucha (U. of Guelph)
Patricia Boulter (B. A., History & English, Wilfrid Laurier U.; M. A., Environmental History, Memorial U.; B. Ed., Memorial U.)
Jacob Brien (Theatre Performance, U. of Winnipeg)
Lauren Burkhardt (Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Sarah Caraher (Diploma, Music Theatre Performance, St. Clair College; B. Performing Arts, Capilano U.)
Darci Carrier (B. F. A., Theatre Design & Production, U. of British Columbia)
Emil Cheriyan (Engineering, McMaster U.; Business Accounting, Mohawk College)
Shahi Cuffy
Kiauna Daley (Communication Studies, McMaster U.)
Autumn Debassige (B. Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Music Theatre Performance, St. Clair College)
Jessica DeHoog (B. A., Dramatic Arts, Brock U.)
Ryan Doll (B. A., Film & Media, Humber College)
Daniel Fishbayn (English & Communications, McGill U.)
Tiffany Frank
Devin Gaudaur (Diploma, Acting for Film & Television, Humber College)
Taryn Hamlyn (Children & Youth Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Dustin Hickey (Acting Conservatory, York U.)
Linayiia Holleman
Priyanka Hothi (B. A., English; M. Ed, English)
Melissa Hudson (Media Studies, U. of British Columbia)
Jennifer Hunter (Social Sciences, McMaster U.)
Rachel Hylton (Child Youth Work, Georgian College)
Daniel Hyndman (Psychology & Theatre, Redeemer U.)
Michelle Kahn (B. A., Film Studies, York U.)
Sana Khaliq (Social Development Studies, U. of Waterloo)
Michael Khan (B. A., Theatre, U. of Guelph)
Nicolette Knight (B. A., Philosophy & English, Trent U.)
Julia Lacasse (B. A., Drama & French, U. of Windsor; B. Ed., U. of Western Ontario)
Grace Lauri (Applied Geography, Ryerson U.)
Thakayah Lingaratnam (Law & Sociology, U. of Waterloo)
Iori Lewis (Music, U. of British Columbia)
Sarah Matthews (B. A., English, Memorial U.)
Jessica McAuley (B. A., Brock U.)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Calend Moore (B. A., Sociology, U. of Waterloo; Education, U. of Western Ontario)
Mark Nuttall (Water Resource Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Jennifer Owen (Creative Industries, Ryerson U.)
Ashley Pengelley (Psychology, Laurentian U.)
Lillian Pinsky (Arts & Sciences, U. of Toronto; Film Production, Toronto Film School)
Julia Porter (B. A., Theatre & Sociology, U. of Guelph; Theatre Performance, Humber College)
Kamil Remtulla
Jamie Salloum (Drama Studies, Glendon College, York U.)
Alyssa Schipper (B. A., Fanshawe College)
Destiny Smith
Rachel Smith (Psychology, Queens U.)
Ian Taylor (Diploma in Film Studies, Fanshawe College)
Kennedy Thompson (Theatre Studies, U. of Guelph)
Aleia Vallentin (Child & Youth Studies, Brock U.)
Rikki Van Goozen (Drama Studies & French, Glendon College, York U.)
Emily Whalley (Theatre Technical Production, Sheridan College)
Lawrence Willoughby (B. A., Drama in Education, U. of Windsor; B. Ed., U. of Windsor; M. Ed., Mount St Vincent U.)
Marissa Wilson (M. Music, U. of Western Ontario; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Olivia Zotti (Theatre, York U.)
Volunteers, Co-operative Students & Focus on Youth Program Students
Trinity Lloyd
Calista Urquhart
Hana Karadaghi
Keith Kanak-Greig
Gunhwan Kim
Mahma Ahmed
Saumya Arora
Julia Boruszewska
Justin Duong
Katie Fitzpatrick
Fion Hoi
Kayla Javadifar
Sakatay McKay
Stephanie Oei
Molly Quinn-MacNeill
Jessica Saleh
Olivia Tata
Muskan Verma
Alexa Penney
Justin DiPaolo
Jacqueline Silvaroli
Shaquille McCulloch
Kayla Flatts
Callie Cramp
Olivia Kubas
Brendan Sweet
Alex Kurek
Catherine Allen
Katie Bartels
Zane Cherniak
Nuscha Fathianpour
Jessica Ge
Sydney Huang
Priyanshi Kapadia
Rachael Moncrieffe
Fardeen Patwary
Jessica Reid
Tristan Searle
Tamara Trklja
Emma Wilson
Alyssa Panza
Julia Smith
Madeline Lamovsek
Meilanie Sharpe-Berges