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Staff List
Adam Ammirato (English, Queens U.)
Katie-Lynn Barr (B. Mus., U. of Western Ontario)
Madison Best (Biochemistry, U. of Guelph)
Erin Bourke (French & Education, Brock U.)
Thomas Brooks (Sports & Entertainment, Loyalist College)
Carlyn Button (Fine Arts, Concordia U.)
Patrick Campbell (Screenwriting, York U.)
Sarah Caraher (Diploma, Music Theatre Performance, St. Clair College; B. Performing Arts, Capilano U.)
Hannah Carlson (Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Carolyn Conrad (B. A., English & History, Trent U.; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Ian Dean (Centennial College)
Madeline Delle Donne (Fine Arts (Production & Design), York U.)
James Dengate (Dramatic Arts, Brock U.)
Emilia Di Fazio (Drama & Education, U. of Windsor)
Katie DiMauro (English, Education & Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Daniel Fishbayn (English & Communications, McGill U.)
Krishna Fisher
Jacob Grisold (Ancient Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Chelsea Haraburda (B. A., Theatre, York U.)
Bethany Heemskerk (B. F. A., Acting, U. of Victoria)
Aneissa Hendriks (Arts, Brock U.)
Dustin Hickey (Acting Conservatory, York U.)
Jennifer Hunter (Psychology, McMaster U.)
Andrew King (Psychology & Neuroscience, McMaster U.)
Ariana Kuperman (English, Queen's U.)
Jocelyn Lernout (B. A., Psychology, English & Culture, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Stephen Levac (Drama & Film, Bishop's U.)
Thakayah Lingaratnam (Law & Sociology, U. of Waterloo)
Amber MacDonald (Film & Theatre Studies, Brock U.)
Nicole McDonald (Children's Ministry Certificate, Indiana)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Theresa Mohanraj (Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Siobhan Murphy (B. A., Political Science, St. Thomas U.)
Krizia Natale (Music Theatre Performance, Sheridan College)
Katelin Norton (Diploma, Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts)
Mark Nuttall (Water Resource Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Bridget O'Rourke (Radio & Televsion Arts / English, Ryerson University)
Bridget Odette (English & Cultural Studies, McMaster U.)
Irene Paibulsirijit (B. A., Theatre Studies & Psychology, U. of Western Ontario)
Michael Pennington (B. A., History, U. of Guelph; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Theo Pucak (Sound Design, Sheridan College)
Marjorie Raon (Social Science & Psychology, Kings University College)
Kamil Remtulla
Elena Reyes (B. A., Music, U. of Western Ontario; Fine Arts (Acting), U. of Windsor)
Karina Robertus (Communications, McMaster U.)
Laura Schachtler (Psychology & Neuroscience, McMaster U.)
Natalie Skov (Theatre & Drama, U. of Toronto / Sheridan College)
Thayanithi Srikanthan (Diploma, Early Childhood Education, George Brown College)
Isabella Taskiran (Medical Physics, Ryerson U.)
Shannon Taylor (Theatre, Ryerson U.; Drama, York U.)
Carly Telford (Diploma, Theatre Arts, Fanshawe College; B. A., Applied Theatre, Griffith U.)
Charlie Templeton-Smith
Joanna Tran (Dramatic Arts, Brock U.)
Rikki Van Goozen (Drama Studies & French, Glendon College, York U.)
Michelle VanderVelde (B. A., English & Drama, Brock U.; B. Ed., Brock U.)
Kristina Vukelic (Mechanical Engineering, Queen's U.)
Hannah Whaley (English & Theatre, Dalhousie U.)
Jane Wieczorek (B. A., English & Theatre, U. of Guelph; B. Ed., Drama & English, Queen's U.)
Marissa Wilson (M. Music, U. of Western Ontario; B. Ed., Queen's U.)
Tyler Zondervan (Certificate, Social & Community Work, UNITEC U.)
Volunteers, Co-operative Students & Focus on Youth Program Students
Christina Flood
Anna Lopes
Nicole Pham
Jiayi Lin
Andrew Fucec
Jimin Lee
Bri Roque
Karley Mulrooney
Taylor French
Joel Cresswell
Shreya Rangan
Aiden Turcotte
Nabindu Kirenga
Mikayla Scornaienchi
Even Isak
Ananya Chopra
Danielle Hidi
Andrew Burlacu
Kester Bowins
Mackenzie Raon
Christine Taylor
Tamara Trklja
Leah Friesen
Dania Murad
Stella Cao
Alex Ciuffreda
Tyler Dearing
Mason Reeve
Malissa Brown
Sean Abboud
Madeline Berman
Brooke Meagher
Kristen Till
Mariah Fumagalli
Maryam Madhavi
Shan Jin
Rhea Sen
Addis Kasu
Tahira Reid
Daniel LiGe
Taylor Connolly
Juliana Puranen
Casidhe Malcolm