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Staff List
Lauren Adourian (Broadcasting, Niagara College)
Emeka Agada (B. A., Theatre Studies, York U.)
Katie Allday (Drama & Sociology, Queens U.)
Catherine Allen (Life Sciences, McMaster U.)
Ashley Assam (Health Sciences, McMaster U.)
Vasilisa Atanackovic (B. F. A., Acting, Ryerson U.)
Melissa Baiardo (B. Management, Dalhousie U.; B. Ed., U. of Western Ontario)
Celeste Bianca (B. A., Media, Performance & Design, York U.; M. A., Theatre & Performance Studies, York U.)
Coreen Blake (B. A., Drama in Education and Community, U. Windsor; Education, U. Windsor)
Samantha Blayney (Diploma, Early Childhood Education, Mohawk College; B. Applied Science, Early Childhood Studies, U. of Guelph)
Rebecca Bokma (B. A., Music & Theatre Arts, Redeemer U.)
Carlyn Button (Fine Arts, Concordia U.)
Matthew Cohen (B. A., Theatre, U, of Guelph)
Kennedy Conder (History & Medieval Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Shiann Croft (writer, spoken word artist, art educator)
Megan Cushnie (B. Applied Science, Child, Youth & Family, U. of Guelph)
Christina Darby (B. A., Kinesiology & Dance, U. of Western Ontario)
Jillian Demers (Diploma, Conestoga College)
Alayna Do Alamo (Theatre, York U.)
Kristy Dodd
Kathleen Doerkson (Diploma in Performing Arts, Randolph College)
Dana El Chaer (Political Science, McMaster U.)
Krishna Fisher
Megha Gandhi (Child & Youth Studies, Humber College)
Jacob Grisold (Ancient Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Wilson Halder (B. Sc., Biology, McMaster U.; Education, York U.)
Griffen Helm (English & Creative Writing, U. of Western Ontario)
Crystal Holmes (Management and Organizational Studies, U. of Western Ontario)
Evelynn Jacob (B. Sc. Biology & Music, U. of Toronto)
Ardyth Johnson (B. A., Theatre, U. of Winnipeg)
Emily Kaldis (B. Commerce, U. of Guelph)
Nicolette Knight (B. A., Philosophy & English, Trent U.)
Zachary Laite-Bahrani (Theatre & Film Studies, McMaster U.)
Erykah Lewis-Green
Reid Martin (Diploma, Acting, Sheridan College; Theatre & Drama Studies, U. of Toronto)
Nicole McDonald (Children's Ministry Certificate, Indiana)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Isabella Mizzi (B. Sc., Health Sciences, U. of Western Ontario)
Taylor McKay Moyles (B. A., Women & Gender Studies, Carleton U.; B. Ed., U. of Ottawa)
Anushka Mukherjee
Ana Maytah (B. A., U. of Toronto)
Mercy Okusanya
Katarina Osterman (Concurrent Education, Wilfrid Laurier U. / Nipissing U.)
Andy Ramgobin (B. A., Theatre / Film & History, McMaster U.)
Marjorie Raon (Social Science & Psychology, Kings University College)
Kamil Remtulla
Naveena Riar (Concurrent Education, Laurentian U.)
Madelyn Rivers (B. Sc., Mathematics, Brock U.; B. Ed., Brock U.)
Karina Robertus (Communications, McMaster U.)
Elizabeth Rodenburg (Dramatic Arts, U. of Windsor)
Jamie Salloum (Drama Studies, Glendon College, York U.)
Samantha San Juan (Diploma, Early Childhood Assistant, Everest College)
Alessandra Serpe (Diploma in Film & Theatre, Toronto Film School)
Tsipporah Shendroff (B. A., Brock U.)
Rachel Tomasic (Theatre & Drama Studies, U. of Toronto)
Joanna Tran (Dramatic Arts, Brock U.)
Rikki Van Goozen (Drama Studies & French, Glendon College, York U.)
Tamia Walker (Theatre, Music & Education, York U.)
Hannah Whaley (English & Theatre, Dalhousie U.)
Emily Whalley (Theatre Technical Production, Sheridan College)
Theo Wilson (Theatre & Film Studies, McMaster U.)
Melissa Worswick (Diploma, Musical Theatre Performance, St. Clair College)
Volunteers & Co-operative Students
Raneen Alawneh
Silka Arenja
Samarth Arora
Arsenije Beader
Nathan Bonnell
Maya Dayoub
Daniel Diaconescu
Julie Fitzpatrick
Jackson Greenwood
Nansi Hassoun
Antonio Herrera-Despradel
Ruchelle Iskander
Akaila James
Robert Liu
Cristela Lopez
Oscar McGrath
Zoe Medel
Megan Morgado
Max Mueller
Mike Mueller
Poly Navitskaya
Serena Nosa-Ogbeide
Adhish Raakulan
Maria Ranguelova
Angelina Saleh
Daniel Saleh
Aleena Salihi
Angelyssa Schifitto
Paula Shapiro
Sara Stokes
Tyler Sweet
Ginny Vondette
Melosa Wang
Liam Windrem
Andrea Yanez
Cathy Ye
Tiffany Yu