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2021 Camp Staff, Co-Op Students & Volunteers
Our Summer 2021 Camp Staff
In-Person Camp Staff / Content Development & Virtual Camp Staff
Julia Allan (Legal Studies & Sociology, U. of Waterloo)
Colwyn Alletson (Media Production, Ryerson U.)
Benjamin Ashworth (Concurrent Education, Dramatic Arts & Geography, Brock U.)
Victoria Avila (Child & Youth Worker, Sheridan College)
Sonia Beres
Noah Bondoc (Concurrent Education, Dramatic Arts & Biology, Brock U.)
Brynn Bonne (Theatre & Drama Studies, U. of Toronto / Sheridan College)
Sabrina Casanova (B. A., Linguistics, U. of Ottawa)
Celeste Chiappetta (Dance, Ryerson U.)
Jephanie Chow (Medical Sciences, U. of Western Ontario)
Mads Christianson-Walker (Craft and Design, Sheridan College)
Gabriella Clarke (Music, U. of Ottawa)
Julia Cowderoy (B. A., Legal Studies, U. of Waterloo)
Brettan Cutchall (Software Engineering, U. of Guelph)
Leah Dau (Music & French, U. of Waterloo)
Harrison Davis (English & Music, U. of Western Ontario)
Jason Downie (Theatre Arts Performance, Fanshawe College)
Laura Driscoll (B. F. A., Fine Arts, Queen's U.)
Filiz Fenton (Arts & Business, U. of Waterloo)
Althea Garbanzos
Mara Jade Gawlina
Janest Gomez-Calubayan (Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Angelina Haines (Theatre & Drama Studies, U. of Toronto)
Steven (Bangyu) Hao (Acting, Ryerson U.)
Kyle Humby (Theatre & Performance, U. of Waterloo; Musical Theatre, Sheridan College)
Ardyth Johnson (B. A., Theatre, U. of Winnipeg)
Avery Kadish (Music, Humber College)
Idris Karnay (Communications, Media & Film, U. of Windsor)
Aruna Khan (Biology, U. of Waterloo)
Kyle Kimmerly (B. F. A., Theatre, U. of Windsor; B. Ed., Lakehead U.)
Nicolette Knight (B. A., Philosophy & English, Trent U.)
Carter Lagerstrom (Broadcasting, Film & Television, Fanshawe College)
Zachary Laite-Bahrani (Theatre & Film Studies, McMaster U.)
Cori Langevin (Liberal Arts, George Brown College)
Drew Lemoine (Sociology, U. of Guelph)
Jocelyn Lernout(B. A., Psychology, English & Culture, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Shira Litvack
Colleen Macaulay (Theatre & French, U. of Waterloo)
Madeleine Maitland (Film & Media Production, Humber College; Film & Screenwriting, York U.)
Ryan Mason (B. A., Theatre, Fanshawe College)
Lindsay McMahon (Diploma, Theatre Arts, George Brown College)
Claudia Mercurio (Biomedical Science, U. of Guelph)
Mackenzie Mills (Acting for Film & Television, Humber College)
Melinda Mohammed (B. A., Brock U.; Education, York U.)
Theresa Mohanraj (Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Laura Motz (B. F. A., Theatre & Business, U. of Victoria)
Megan Moutsatsos (English, Queen's U.)
Helena Nikitopoulos (English, U. of Western Ontario)
Cassidy O'Kopniak (Anthropology, McMaster U.)
Kai Osborne (Certificate in Performing Arts, Sheridan College; Theatre, York U.)
Alexander Parolin (Theatre Arts & Performance, Centennial College)
Michael Pennington(B. A., History, U. of Guelph; B. Ed., Nipissing U.)
Olivia Power (Music, U. of Western Ontario)
Andy Ramgobin (B. A., Theatre / Film & History, McMaster U.)
Shreya Rangan (Cognitive Science, York U.)
Marissa Rasmussen (B. F. A., Child Psychology / Acting, U. of Windsor)
Emilie Rayner (Biology & Psychology, McMaster U.; Master's of Teaching, U. of Toronto)
Tori Reddick (Early Childhood Education, Durham College)
Madison Romberg (Drama in Education & Community, U. of Windsor)
Avery Rouleau (Film Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Megan Saito (International Relations, U. of Western Ontario)
Siona Shakyaver (Theatre Production & Design, Ryerson U.)
Delaney Small (Technical Production for Performing Arts, Sheridan College)
Claudia Smith (B. A., Architecture, U. of Toronto; Technical Production for Performing Arts, Sheridan College)
Nicholas Spina (Drama Studies, U. of Toronto)
Cameron Staffen (Perfomance Acting, Ryerson U.)
Olivia Teti (Arts, Queen's U.)
Rashawn Thakoordeen (Theatre, York U.)
Tamara Trklja (Business Management, U. of Western Ontario)
Rachel Vander Doelen (B. Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Theatre Performance & Education, U. of Waterloo)
Rikki Van Goozen (Drama Studies & French, Glendon College, York U.)
Claire West (Theatre & Concurrent Education, York U.)
Della Woodger (Psychology, Carleton U.)
Content Development Staff / Virtual Camp Staff
Julianna Docherty (B. F. A., Acting, U. of Windsor)
Charlie Hensel (Musical Theatre, St. Lawrence College / Queen's U.)
Shira Hirsch (Youth & Children's Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Kali Jhirad (B. A., Psychology, U. of Guelph)
Conor Lynch (Diploma in Music, Centennial College)
Nicole McDonald (Children's Ministry Certificate, Indiana)
Landon Nesbitt (Performance Acting, Ryerson U.)
Michael Nuttall (B. A. History & Religious Studies, McMaster U.)
Elizabeth Ouedraogo (Cinema & Media Studies, York U.)
Avi Petliar (Performance Acting, Ryerson U.)
Blythe Rogers (Sociology & Communications, McGill U.)
Volunteers & Co-operative Students
Dakota Brown
Alexia Campson
Kendra Graves
Yasmin Hadizad
Media Hoesseiny
Abigail Kolenchery
Nathalia Mendes-Ramos
Dayna Morreau-Comber
Alyssa Pather
April Shimaka
Austin Sims
Zoe Zenker