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2022 Camp Staff, Co-Op Students & Volunteers
Our Summer 2022 Camp Staff
2022 Summer Camp & March Break Camp Staff
Leviathan Arbic (Police Foundations, Sheridan College)
Mallory Aurlick (Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Karen Bailey (NCCP Certification, Seneca College)
Devin Barnes (Philosophy & Dramatic Literature, U. of Western Ontario; Theatre Arts, Fanshawe College)
Lara Bazant (B. F. A., Drama & English, New York U.)
Willow Bennett (Fine Arts / Theatre, U. of Calgary)
Allyson Brown (B. A., Drama, McMaster U.)
Erin Busby (B. A., Sociology, Trent U.; B. Ed., Lakehead U.)
Natalia Calzato (Technical Production for Performing Arts, Sheridan College)
Adriana Capistrano
Sungwon Cho(B. A., Theatre & Film Studies, McMaster U.)
Darielle Chomyn (B. A., Music, Algoma U.; Music Performance, Sir Wilfrid Laurier U.)
James Cordier (Diploma, Theatre Performance, Humber College; Sports Management, Humber College)
Ava Davidson (Arts, Laurentian U.)
Matthew DiMauro
Dunai Dimitriou (Fine Arts / Developmental Services, Durham College)
Sophia Duarte (Diploma, Music Theatre Performance, St. Lawrence College; Music Theatre, Queen's U.)
Caitlin Edwards (Media Production, Ryerson U.)
Kaitlin Eisenmenger (B. A., U. of Waterloo)
Blake Elvin (Film Production, York U.)
Yousef Farhang (B. A., English & Philosophy, Ryerson U.; Education, York U.)
Arden Farrell (Science, U. of Ottawa)
Farah Fatola (U. of Toronto)
Owen Ferguson (B. Sc., Mathematics, York U.; B. Ed., York U.)
Meredith Fowler
Elizabeth Furlano (B. F. A., Theatre Production, York U.)
Abiha Gondal (Social Sciences, U. of Toronto)
Charlotte Guest (U. of Guelph)
Amber Hackett (Acting for TV, Film & Theatre, Toronto Film School)
Kiana Haghir (B. A., Theatre Studies, York U.)
Sydney Harvey (Music, Vocal Performance, U. of Western Ontario)
Sara Hay (Drama & Education, Queen's U.)
Melodie Higgs
Arin Hincer
Casey Hodnett (B. A., Sociology & Legal Studies, U. of Waterloo; Education, York U.)
Ethan Inkster (Game Design, Fanshawe College)
Serena James (Drama, Queen's U.)
Madelaine Jarcew (Psychology & Law, Carleton U.)
Ardyth Johnson (B. A., Theatre, U. of Winnipeg)
Skye Jones
Kimia Karachi (Theatre, Drama & Performance Studies, U. of Toronto)
Sabina Kazimova (B. A., Performance Production, Ryerson U.)
Nicolette Knight (B. A., Philosophy & English, Trent U.)
Addison Lama
Rachael Langdon (English & Creative Writing, U. of Western Ontario)
Luka Lawrynowicz
Jewel Leggott (Theatre Performance & English Literature, Laurentian U.)
Mia Leone (Performing Arts Preparation, Sheridan College; Music Theatre Performance, St. Lawrence College)
Dwight Lewis-Balfour (Mechanical Engineering, Andrews U.)
Riva Lewis (History, U. of Guelph)
Violet Liepins (Fine Arts, OCAD U.)
Ciara Magliaro
Elise Marschalk (Political Science, U. of Western Ontario)
Max Mazuritsky (DCS / DES in Arts, Sheridan College)
Claudia Mercurio (Biomedical Science, U. of Guelph)
Natasha Micallef
Mackenzie Mills (Acting for Film & Television, Humber College)
Melinda Mohammed (B. A., Brock U.; Education, York U.)
Marice Moore (B. Mus., Community Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Aislinn Moores (Acting for Film & Television, Humber College)
Dayna Morreau-Comber
Kallyna Morrice
Sara Mustafa (B. Sc., Life Science, McMaster U.)
Molly O'Brien (B. A., Communication Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Alexandra Papamihalis (B. A., English, U. of Toronto)
Alexander Parolin (Theatre Arts & Performance, Centennial College)
Michael Paskaru (York U.)
Sara Paterson
Stephen Petrina (Social Sciences, McMaster U.)
Matthew Popadyn (Film & Television, Humber College)
Andy Ramgobin (B. A., Theatre / Film & History, McMaster U.)
Avery Rouleau (Film Studies, Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Nathalie Roy
Maria Sayde (Creative Arts & Health Therapy, The New School)
River Eli Schirmer-Colvin (Performance Arts Preparation, Sheridan College)
Siona Shakyaver (Theatre Production & Design, Ryerson U.)
Nawa Simon (Advanced Diploma, Theatre Performance, Humber College)
Iain Smith (Broadcasting for Film, Niagara College)
Molly Spurr (Social Sciences, McMaster U.)
Alex Swick (Diploma, Broadcasting, Canadore College)
Venus Tang (Social Work & Disability Studies, U. of Windsor)
Gerard Thudugala (U. of Windsor)
Tommy Titan (Acting for Film & Television, Toronto Film School)
Sarah-May Townsend (Performance Arts Preparation, Sheridan College; Diploma, Toronto Academy of Acting)
Tamara Trklja (Business Management, U. of Western Ontario)
Eric Trudell (Theatre, York U.)
Eden Ulnik (Devised Theatre & Playwriting, York U.)
Emma Vanderkaay (Child & Youth Care, Durham College)
Rachel Vander Doelen (B. Music, Wilfrid Laurier U.; Theatre Performance & Education, U. of Waterloo)
Rhys Wark (Music Theatre Performance, St. Lawrence College
Aja Young (York U.)
Nathan Zamin (History, U. of Guelph)
Volunteers & Co-operative Students
Natalia Barnes
Joel DiMarco
Henry Hamilton
Jerry Jia
Lily Le Tran Kasperski
Kiana Kermanchi
Lily Kowalchuk
Zhi Li
Logan MacFarlane
Hamza Mohamed
Helen Nguyen
Juliana Oresti
Erica Orlando
Zara Salihi
Valerie Shapiro
Sawyer Smith
Seeroon Tadevosyan
Ysabel Wang
Junbeen Yang