Great Big Theatre Company Covid-19 Safety Policy
This document is revised regularly. It is subject to change based on updated health advisories.
1. Masking is optional.
2. Please do not have your child attend if you, or someone in your household, has recently tested positive for COVID, or is untested but is displaying COVID symptoms. Please do not attend if the child, or someone in your family, has recently been in contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID.
3. On notification of positive coronavirus test by student or one with whom they have been in close contact, student / camper will be excluded from the program for five days or until test of affected individual returns negative results.
4. Double vaccination is suggested (but not required) for instructors, program leaders, camp volunteers and campers.
5. GBTC actively monitors public health advisories and will ensure that adequate measures are in place at our locations to ensure that our programs can operate safely. We reserve the right to exclude participants from any session, on a temporary basis, based on quarantine requirements, symptomatic status, or recent contact with infection. Refunds will be provided for dates not attended due to such exclusions.